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Abdallah HAYAR, Ph.
D. Date of birth: 1969 Citizenship: Lebanese, American Married to Souraya Irani Position: Associate Professor Dept. Neurobiology & Developmental Sciences, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 4301 West Markham Street #847 Little Rock, AR 72205, U.S.A. Tel. 501-686-6362 (Work) Fax 501-526-7928 E-Mail: amhayar@uams.edu ![]() |
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Scientific Projects and Collaborations
1987: Lebanese Baccalaureate in Experimental Sciences. Collège des Frères (Tripoli, Lebanon)
1987-91: Bachelor of Sciences (B.S.) major Biology, American University of Beirut, P.O. Box: 11-2036, Beirut, LEBANON.
1991-92: Maitrise de Physiologie Animale at the University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg. Major courses: Physiology of Excitable Cells, Function and Regulation of Physiological Systems, Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology.
1992-93: DEA Neurobiologie et Physiologie des Systèmes de Communication. (U.L.P.) Strasbourg. Training at the laboratory of Neurophysiology and Neurobiology of Endocrine Systems (URA CNRS 1446) of Prof. P. Feltz. Research supervised by Prof. Ken Marshall (Univ. d' Ottawa, Canada).
1993-96: Ph.D. in Neurosciences
supervised and directed by Prof. Paul Feltz,
University Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg.
Thesis title: GABAergic and
noradrenergic responses in silent and spontaneously active neurons of
the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla in vitro.
Committee: Prof. Alan North, Pascal
Bousquet, Jean Champagnat, Rémy Schlichter.
1997-1999: Research Associate
at the University of Virginia.
Patrice Guyenet
1999-: Research Assistant Professor
at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.
2003-: Research Assistant Professor
at the University of Tennessee,
2006-: Associate Professor
the University of Arkansas for Medical
Little Rock.
- Operating Systems:
MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh. Troubleshoot PC hardware and software. Custom
build high-end computers.
- Application programs:
Microsoft Office, Canvas, Corel Draw, Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, pClamp,
Spike2, Origin, MiniAnalysis, Neuroplex, SAP, ARIA, Micromanager, ImageJ,
Windows Movie Maker, Windows Media Encoder, Photoscape, Any Video
- Languages: Visual Basic, Visual
C++, Origin C and Labtalk Script language, OriginLab, MatLab.
- Internet: Webpage design (see
my website
Personal Web Server, FTP Server, Netscape Composer, Frontpage, Microsoft
Expression Web. |
- Autoradiography in rat brain slices
- Intracellular pH measurement by micro-fluorimetry using the BCECF probe
- Intracellular dye labeling
- Immunocytochemical staining for biocytin and tyrosine hydroxylase
- In situ hybridization (GABA mRNA subunits)
- Intracellular, extracellular and field potential recordings in brain slices
- Patch-clamp technique: whole-cell, outside-out, and single channel recordings
- Analysis of the properties of evoked, spontaneous, and miniature postsynaptic
currents mediated by glutamate and GABA
- Recordings from bulbospinal neurons identified with retrograde tracing of
fluorescent dyes injected in the spinal cord
- Simultaneous whole-cell recordings from pairs of neurons in olfactory bulb
- Auto- and cross-correlation analysis of spike trains and waveforms
- Calcium and voltage-sensitive dye imaging, confocal microscopy
- Ultraviolet light laser uncaging of glutamate in brain slices
- Laser Doppler measurement of cerebral blood flow
- High speed spinning disk confocal microscopy at 2000 frames/s
des Neurosciences (France), member (1994-2002).
Society for Neuroscience (U.S.A.),
member since 1996.
American Physiological Society
(U.S.A.), member since 1998.
Society for Autonomic Neuroscience, member since (1998-2002).
Association for
Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS), member since 1999.
Graduate Faculty
of the University of Maryland Graduate School, member (2001-2003).
Washington-Baltimore Computational
Neuroscience Interest Group, member (2001-2003).
1. Center for Translational Neuroscience Recruitment Funds: $100,000 08/1/2006 - 07/31/2007.
2. 239 G1-31595-01-E: UAMS Tobacco Settlement Funds: $75,000 07/1/2006 - 06/30/2007.
3. 239 G1−33648−01: UAMS Tobacco Settlement Funds: $150,000 07/01/2008 − 06/30/2009.
4. R03DC006356-04 (PI: Abdallah Hayar) 05/1/2004 – 04/30/2009 3.00 calendar
NIH/NIDCD $50,000/year
Role: PI
Title: “Synchronous bursting among juxtaglomerular neurons” (NIH RePORTER Abstract).
The goal of this project is to provide new insight into the intrinsic synaptic organization of the glomeruli and the role of glomerular circuitry in olfactory coding
5. R01 DC007123-06 (PI: Abdallah Hayar) 07/01/2005 – 06/30/2012 5.36 calendar
NIH / NIDCD $187,171/year
Role: PI
Title: “External tufted cells coordinate olfactory bulb activity” (NIH RePORTER Abstract).
The major goal of this project is to determine the role of external tufted cells in coordinating the activity of glomerular interneurons and output mitral cells via chemical and electrical synapses.
6. 231 G1−35435−01: (PI: Abdallah Hayar) 01/01/2009 – 12/31/2010 0.00 calendar
Arkansas Bioscience Institute (ABI) $38,500/year, UAMS costs: $14,500.00/year
Role: PI, co-PI: Roger Buchanan, Arkansas State University
Title: “Novel treatment for smoking dependence and relapse”.
The goal of this study is to determine how repetitive trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) alters the effects of chronic exposure to cigarette smoke on the rat P13 potential.
7. P20 GM103425-09 (PI: Edgar Garcia-Rill) 08/01/2009 – 04/30/2014 3.00 calendar
NIH/National Center for Research Resources $1,229,518/year
Role: Electrophysiology Core Director
Title: “Center for Translational Neuroscience” (NIH RePORTER Abstract).
The major goals of this project are to implement a Career Development Program for five Project Principal Investigators (PIs) who are close to nationally competitive levels using grant support and mentoring activities undertaken by established investigators.
8. R01HL097107-01: (PI: Sung Rhee) 04/01/2010–03/31/2015, 1.20 calendar
NIH/NHLBI $250,000/year
Role: co-I from 04/01/2010–06/31/2012
Title: “PSD95 scaffolding of vascular K+ channels in hypertension” (NIH RePORTER Abstract).
This project will investigate a novel scaffolding molecule in the muscle cells of small cerebral arteries that may ensure that potassium channels are expressed in adequate numbers and in the right location in the muscle cells of cerebral arteries to optimize blood flow to the brain.
9. R01 DC007876-02 (PI: Kathryn Hamilton) 04/01/2009 – 03/31/2012 2.00 calendar
NIH / NIDCD $41,400/year
Role: PI on a subcontract with Louisiana State University.
Title: “Contribution of EPL interneurons to olfactory processing” (NIH RePORTER Abstract).
The goal of this project is to characterize the cell types of this external plexiform layer using modern, quantitative anatomical methods and electrophysiological recording methods and to understand the contributions of the cells in this layer to olfactory discrimination.
10. R01 NS020246-21 (PI: Edgar Garcia-Rill) 12/01/2008 – 11/30/2013 2.40 calendar
NIH / NINDS $250,000/year
Role: Co-I from 12/01/2008 – 6/30/2012
Title: “Central Modulation of Rhythms” (NIH RePORTER Abstract).
The long-term objective of this project is to investigate the mechanisms controlling changes in state mediated by brainstem, particularly mesopontine, mechanisms. The development of neurochemical control of local, ascending and descending pedonculopontine nucleus projections is the main area of study.
1. Light KE, Hayar A, Pierce DR (2015). Electrophysiological and immunohistochemical evidence for an increase in GABAergic inputs and HCN channels in Purkinje Cells that survive developmental ethanol exposure. Cerebellum 14(4):398-412. (Abstract) (PDF, 6176 KB). Impact factor: 2.8, cited 0 time.
2. Lin XB, Pierce DR, Light KE, Hayar A (2013). The fine temporal structure of the rat licking pattern: What causes the variability in the interlick intervals and how is it affected by the drinking solution? Chem Senses 38:685-704. (Abstract) (PDF, 15374 KB). Impact factor: 3.2, cited 3 times.
3. Simon C, Hayar A, Garcia-Rill E (2012). Developmental changes in glutamatergic fast synaptic neurotransmission in the dorsal subcoeruleus nucleus. Sleep 35:407-417. (Abstract) (PDF, 804 KB). Impact factor: 5.9, cited 1 time.
4. Simon C, Hayar A, Garcia-Rill E (2011). Responses of Developing Pedunculopontine Neurons to Glutamate Receptor Agonists. J Neurophysiol 105:1918-1931. (Abstract) (PDF, 4434 KB). Impact factor: 3.8, cited 3 times.
5. Pierce DR, Hayar A, Williams DK, Light KE (2011). Olivary climbing fiber alterations in PN40 rat cerebellum following postnatal ethanol exposure. Brain Res 10:54-65. (Abstract) (PDF, 1477 KB). Impact factor: 2.5, cited 6 times.
6. Pierce DR, Hayar A, Williams DK, Light KE (2010). Developmental Alterations in Olivary Climbing Fiber Distribution Following Postnatal Ethanol Exposure in the Rat. Neuroscience 169:1438-1448. (Abstract) (PDF, 1753 KB). Impact factor: 3.5, cited 6 times.
7. Simon C, Kezunovic N, Ye M, Hyde J, Hayar A, Williams DK, Garcia-Rill E (2010). Gamma band unit activity and population responses in the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN). (Abstract) (PDF, 4643 KB). J Neurophysiol 104:463-474. Impact factor: 3.8, cited 24 times.
8. Hayar A, Charlesworth A, Garcia-Rill E (2010). Oocyte triplet pairing for electrophysiological investigation of gap junctional coupling. J Neurosci Methods 188:280-286. (Abstract) (PDF, 1054 KB). Impact factor: 2.5, cited 0 time.
9. Ye M, Hayar A, Strotman B, Garcia-Rill E (2010). Cholinergic modulation of fast synaptic transmission of pedunculopontine thalamic projecting neurons. J Neurophysiol 103:2417-2432. (Abstract) (PDF, 5388 KB). Impact factor: 3.8, cited 17 times.
10. Dong HW, Hayar A, Callaway J, Yang X-H, Nai Q, Ennis M (2009) Group I mGluR activation enhances Ca2+-dependent nonselective cation currents and rhythmic bursting in main olfactory bulb external tufted cells. J Neuroscience 29:11943-11953. (Abstract) (PDF, 1836 KB). Impact factor: 7.9, cited 15 times.
11. Heister D, Hayar A, Garcia-Rill E (2009) Cholinergic modulation of GABAergic and glutamatergic transmission in the dorsal Subcoeruleus: mechanisms for REM sleep control. Sleep 32:1135-1147. (Abstract) (PDF, 469 KB) Impact factor: 5.9, cited 13 times.
12. Dong HW, Heinbockel T, Hamilton KA, Hayar A, Ennis M (2009) Metabotropic glutamate receptors and dendrodendritic synapses in the main olfactory bulb. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1170:224-238. (Abstract) (PDF, 539 KB). Impact factor: 2.6, cited 5 times.
13. Ye M, Hayar A, Garcia-Rill E (2009) Cholinergic responses and intrinsic membrane properties of developing thalamic parafascicular neurons. J Neurophysiol 102:774-785. (Abstract) (PDF, 3485 KB) Impact factor: 3.8, cited 4 times.
14. Nai Q, Dong HW, Hayar A, Linster C, Ennis M (2009) Noradrenergic regulation of GABAergic inhibition of main olfactory bulb mitral cells varies as a function of concentration and receptor subtype. J Neurophysiol 101:2472-2484. (Abstract) (PDF, 1033 KB) Impact factor: 3.8, cited 26 times.
15. Hayar A, Gu C, Al-Chaer ED (2008) An improved method for patch clamp recording and calcium imaging of neurons in the intact dorsal root ganglion in rats. J Neurosci Methods 173:74-82. (Abstract) (PDF, 943 KB). Impact factor: 2.5, cited 8 times.
16. Garcia-Rill E, Charlesworth A, Heister DS, Ye M, Hayar A (2008) The developmental decrease in REM Sleep: The role of transmitters and electrical coupling. Sleep 31:673-690. (Abstract) (PDF, 1227 KB). Impact factor: 5.9, cited 35 times.
17. Karpuk N, Hayar A (2008) Activation of postsynaptic GABAB receptors modulates the bursting pattern and synaptic activity of olfactory bulb juxtaglomerular neurons. J Neurophysiol 99:308-319. (Abstract) (PDF, 322 KB). Impact factor: 3.65, cited 7 times.
18. Garcia-Rill E, Heister DS, Ye M, Charlesworth A, Hayar A (2007) Electrical coupling: novel mechanism for sleep-wake control. Sleep 30:1405-1414. (Abstract) (PDF, 217 KB). Impact factor: 4.47, cited 50 times.
19. Hayar A, Ennis M (2007) Endogenous GABA and glutamate finely tune the bursting of olfactory bulb external tufted cell. J Neurophysiol 98:1052-1056. (Abstract) (PDF, 209 KB). Impact factor: 3.8, cited 12 times.
20. Dong HW, Hayar A, Ennis M (2007) Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) enhances synaptic inhibition of olfactory bulb mitral cells (MCs) via actions on GABAergic interneurons in the glomerular layer (GL) and granule cell layer (GCL). J Neuroscience 27:5654-5663. (Abstract) (PDF, 3304 KB). Impact factor: 7.9, cited 18 times.
21. Heister DS, Hayar A, Charlesworth A, Yates C, Zhou YH, Garcia-Rill E (2007) Evidence for electrical coupling in the SubCoeruleus (SubC) nucleus. J Neurophysiol 97:3142-3147. (Abstract) (PDF, 222 KB). Impact factor: 3.8, cited 28 times.
22. Karnup SV, Hayar A, Shipley MT, Kurnikova MG (2006) Spontaneous field potentials in the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb: the leading role of juxtaglomerular cells. Neuroscience 142:203-221. (Abstract) (PDF, 1454 KB). Impact factor: 3.5, cited 18 times.
23. Ennis M, Zhu M, Heinbockel T, Hayar A (2006) Olfactory nerve-evoked, metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated synaptic responses in rat olfactory bulb mitral cells. J Neurophysiol 95:2233-2241. (Abstract) (PDF, 408 KB). Impact factor: 3.8, cited 18 times.
24. Hayar A, Bryant JL, Boughter JD, Heck DH (2006) A low-cost solution to measure mouse licking in an electrophysiological setup with a standard analog-to-digital converter. J Neurosci Methods 153:203-207. (Abstract) (PDF, 309 KB). Impact factor: 2.5, cited 22 times.
25. Hayar A, Shipley MT, and Ennis M (2005) Olfactory bulb external tufted cells are synchronized by multiple intraglomerular mechanisms. J Neuroscience 25: 8197-8208 (PDF, 934 KB). Impact factor: 7.9, cited 59 times.
26. Hamilton KA, Heinbockel T, Ennis M, Szabo G, Erdelyi F, Hayar A (2005) Properties of external plexiform layer interneurons in mouse olfactory bulb slices. Neuroscience 133:819-829 (Abstract) (PDF, 544 KB). Impact factor: 3.5, cited 25 times.
27. Hayar A, Karnup S, Ennis M, Shipley MT (2004b) External tufted cells: A major excitatory element that coordinates glomerular activity. J Neuroscience 24:6676-6685 (Abstract) (PDF, 989 KB). Impact factor: 7.9, cited 105 times.
28. Hayar A, Karnup S, Shipley MT, Ennis M (2004a) Olfactory bulb glomeruli: external tufted cells intrinsically burst at theta frequency and are entrained by patterned olfactory input. J Neuroscience 24:1190-1199 (Abstract) (PDF, 526 KB). Impact factor: 7.9, cited 104 times.
29. Aungst JL, Heyward PM, Puche AC, Karnup SV, Hayar A, Szabo G, Shipley MT (2003) Center-surround inhibition among olfactory bulb glomeruli. Nature 426:623-629 (Abstract) (PDF, 798 KB). Impact factor: 32.9 cited 227 times.
30. Guyenet PG, Stornetta RL, Schreihofer AM, Pelaez NM, Hayar A, Aicher S, Llewellyn-Smith IJ (2002) Opioid signalling in the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 29:238-242. Review. (Abstract) (PDF, 58 KB). Impact factor: 2.1, cited 25 times.
31. Ennis M., Zhou F-M., Ciombor KJ, Aroniadou-Anderjaska V, Hayar A, Borrelli E, Zimmer LA., Margolis F, Shipley MT (2001) Dopamine D2 Receptor-Mediated Presynaptic Inhibition of Olfactory Nerve Terminals. J Neurophysiol 86:2986-2997. (Abstract) (PDF, 195 KB) Impact factor: 3.8, cited 132 times.
32. Hayar A, Heyward PM, Heinbockel T, Shipley MT, Ennis M (2001) Direct excitation of mitral cells by activation of alpha1-adrenergic receptors in rat olfactory bulb slices. J Neurophysiol 86:2173-2182 (Abstract) (PDF, 199 KB). Impact factor: 3.8, cited 45 times.
33. Hayar A, Guyenet P (2000) Prototypical imidazoline-1 receptor ligand moxonidine activates alpha2-adrenoceptors in bulbospinal neurons of the RVL. J Neurophysiol 83:766-776 (Abstract) (PDF, 256 KB). Impact factor: 3.8, cited 13 times.
34. Hayar A, Guyenet P (1999) Alpha2-Adrenoceptor-mediated presynaptic inhibition in bulbospinal neurons of rostral ventrolateral medulla. Am J Physiol: Heart and Circulatory Physiology 277:H1069-H1080 (Abstract) (PDF, 457 KB). Impact factor: 3.7, cited 20 times.
35. Hayar A, Guyenet P (1998) Presynaptic and postsynaptic effects of methionine-enkephalin on identified bulbospinal neurons of the RVL. J Neurophysiol 80:2003-2014 (Abstract) (PDF, 319 KB). Impact factor: 3.8, cited 46 times.
36. Hayar A, Poulter MO, Pelkey K, Feltz P, Marshall KC (1997) Mesencephalic trigeminal neuron responses to gamma-aminobutyric acid. Brain Res 753:120-127 (Abstract) (PDF, 678 KB). Impact factor: 2.5, cited 26 times.
37. Hayar A, Feltz P, Piguet P (1997) Adrenergic responses in silent and putative inhibitory pacemaker-like neurons of the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla in vitro. Neuroscience 77:199-217 (Abstract) (PDF, 722 KB). Impact factor: 3.5, cited 12 times.
38. Jung M, Michaud JC, Steinberg R, Barnouin MC, Hayar A, Barnouin MC, Mons G, Souilhac J, Emonds-Alt X, Soubrie P, Le Fur G (1996) Electrophysiological, behavioural and biochemical evidence for activation of brain noradrenergic systems following tachykinin NK3 receptor stimulation. Neuroscience 74:403-414 (Abstract) (PDF, 356 KB). Impact factor: 3.5, cited 42 times.
39. Hayar A, Piguet P, Feltz P (1996) GABA-induced responses in different electrophysiologically identified neurons in the rat rostro ventrolateral medulla. Brain Res 709:173-183 (Abstract) (PDF, 1149 KB). Impact factor: 2.5, cited 8 times.
Ennis M, Hamilton KA, Hayar A (2007) Neurochemistry of the main olfactory system, In: Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology, 3rd Edition (Lajtha A, Editor-in-Chief), Vol. 20, pp 137-204, Sensory Neurochemistry (Johnson DA, Volume Editor), Heidelberg: Springer, (PDF, 987 KB).
Ennis M, Hayar A (2008) Physiology of the Main Olfactory Bulb, in Allan I. Basbaum, Akimichi Kaneko, Gordon M. Shepherd and Gerald Westheimer, editors The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, Vol 4, Olfaction and Taste, Stuart Firestein and Gary K. Beauchamp. San Diego: Academic Press; pp. 641-686. (Proof, PDF 10 MB).
Karnup SV, Hayar A (2008) Neuronal modules of the olfactory bulb. In: New Research on Neuronal Networks (Momoka Yoshida and Haruka Sato, editors), pp 1-54, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York. (PDF, 1288 KB).
Mennemeier M, Sheffer C, Hayar A, Buchanan R (2012) Translational Sstudies using TMS. In: Translational Neuroscience: A guide to a successful program (Edgar Garcia-Rill, editor), pp 43-65, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.
Marshall K, Hayar A, Feltz P. Responses of mesencephalic trigeminal neurons to g-aminobutyric acid. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. Vol.72 (1994).
Hayar A, Poulter MO, Feltz P. g-Aminobutyric acid responses in different electrophysiologically characterized neurons within the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla in vitro. (24th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Miami, November 1994).
Hayar A, Feltz P. Réponses pré et postsynaptic GABAergiques dans le noyau rostral ventrolatéral bulbaire de rat in vitro. Societé des Neurosciences (France, Lyon, May 1995).
Hayar A, Piguet P, Poulter MO, Feltz P. Monophasic and multiphasic GABA responses in neurons of the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla in vitro. (25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, November 1995).
Hayar A, Piguet P, Feltz, P. Réponses GABAergiques monophasiques et multiphasiques dans les neurones du noyau rostral ventrolatéral bulbaire de rat in vitro. (63čme Congrčs de la Société de Physiologie, France, Strasbourg, December 1995).
Hayar A, Feltz P, Piguet P. Adrenergic responses in silent and putative inhibitory pacemaker-like neurons of the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla in vitro. (European Neuroscience Meeting, France, Strasbourg, September 1996).
Hayar A, Piguet P, Schlichter R. Properties of irregular firing neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla in vitro and possible involvement in sympathoexcitatory function. (26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., November 1996).
Hayar A, Guyenet P. Pre-and postsynaptic inhibitory actions of methionine-enkephalin on identified bulbospinal neurons of the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla. FASEB Journal 12 (5): 4290 Part 2 Suppl. S MAR 20, 1998. (Experimental Biology Meeting, San Francisco, April 1998).
Hayar A, Guyenet P. Presynaptic effects mediated by alpha2-adrenoceptors in the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla in vitro. (28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Los Angeles, November 1998).
Hayar A, Guyenet P. Tyramine releases predominantly serotonin in the lower brainstem of neonate rats in vitro. FASEB Journal 13 (4): A473-A473 Part 1 Suppl. S MAR 12, 1999. (Washington D.C., April 1999).
Hayar A, Guyenet P. Effect of tyramine and other indirectly acting monoamines in the rostral ventrolateral medulla in vitro. (29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Miami, October 1999).
Hayar A, Shipley MT, Ennis M. Direct excitation of mitral cells by activation of alpha1-adrenergic receptors in rat olfactory bulb slices. (Sarasota, April 2000).
Hayar A, Shipley MT, Ennis M. Norepinephrine excites mitral cells by activation of alpha1-adrenergic receptors in rat olfactory bulb slices. Pogram# 45.3 (30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, November 2000, Abstract).
Karnup SV, Hayar A, Ennis M, Shipley MT. Morphology & Physiology of juxtaglomerular (JG) cells in rat main olfactory bulb (MOB). Program# 623.8 (31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, November 2001, Abstract).
Heinbockel T, Hayar A, Laaris N, Shipley MT, Ennis M. Metabotropic glutamate receptors shape neuronal excitability and synaptic responsiveness in mouse olfactory bulb slices. Program# 623.5 (31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, November 2001, Abstract).
Aungst J, Karnup SV, Hayar A, Shipley MT, Puche AC. Interglomerular circuits in the main olfactory bulb. Program# 561.10 (32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Orlando, November 2002, Abstract).
Hayar A, Heinbockel T, Karnup S, Ennis M, Shipley MT. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors enhances synaptic interactions among juxtaglomerular neurons in olfactory bulb glomeruli. Program # 168.4 (33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, November 2003, Abstract).
Shipley MT, Karnup S, Ennis M, Hayar A. Olfactory bulb external tufted (ET) cells provide monosynaptic excitatory input to periglomerular (PG) and short axon (SA) cells. Program# 489.14 (33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, November 2003, Abstract).
Hamilton KA, Heinbockel T, Hayar A, Szabo G, Erdelyi F, Ennis M. Functional properties of interneurons in the external plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb. Program# 821.7 (33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, November 2003, Abstract).
Li C, Hayar A, Smith DV. Patch-clamp recording of medullary taste neurons identified by retrograde labeling from the pons. Program# 594.3 (33th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, November 2003, Abstract).
Hayar AM, Ennis M. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) enhances bursting in external tufted cells of the olfactory bulb. Program# 412.11 (34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, October 2004, Abstract).
Hayar A, Shipley MT, Ennis M. The bursting of olfactory bulb external tufted (ET) cells is coordinated by synaptic and gap junction currents. (27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Sarasota, April 2005, Abstract).
Hayar A, Ennis M. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) enhances bursting in external tufted cells of the olfactory bulb. (27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Sarasota, April 2005, Abstract).
Hamilton KA, Hayar A, Ennis M. Spiking properties of EPL interneurons. (27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Sarasota, April 2005, Abstract).
Hayar AM, Shipley MT, Ennis M. The activity of olfactory bulb external tufted cells (ET) is synchronized by various intraglomerular connections. Program# 614.17 (35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, November 2005, Abstract).
Dong HW, Hayar A, Ennis M. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs1) in the glomerular layer (GL) and granule cell layer (GCL) of the olfactory bulb enhances synaptic inhibition of mitral cells (MCs) (28th Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Sarasota, April 2006). Chemical Senses Volume: 31 Issue: 5 Pages: A68-A68 Published: JUN 2006
Karnup SV, Hayar A, Shipley MT, Kurnikova MG. Spontaneous glomerular field potentials in slices of the olfactory bulb. (36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, October 2006, Abstract). Program# 542.7 Poster# P8.
Dong HW, Hayar A, Ennis M Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) enhances synaptic inhibition of olfactory bulb mitral cells (MCs) via actions on GABAergic interneurons in the glomerular layer (GL) and granule cell layer (GCL). (36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, October 2006, Abstract). Program# 542.5, Poster# P6.
Ennis M, Shipley MT, Hayar A. Glomeruli: dynamic portals into the olfactory brain. American Association of Anatomists, Washington DC, April 28 - May 2, FASEB Journal 21 (5): A84-A84 APR 2007.
Karpuk, N, Hayar A. Activation of postsynaptic GABAB receptors directly modulates the bursting pattern and synaptic activity of olfactory bulb juxtaglomerular neurons. (29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Sarasota, April 2007).
Hamilton KA, Ennis M, Hayar A. Interneuron EPSC bursts are correlated with tufted cell spike bursts in the superficial external plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb. (29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Sarasota, April 2007).
Dong HW, Hayar A, Ennis M . mGluR1 Activation Enhances Nonselective Cation Currents and Rhythmic Bursting in External Tufted (ET) Cells. Chemical Senses 31 (5): A68-A68 JUN 2006. (29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Sarasota, April 2007).
Heister D, Hayar A, Garcia-Rill E. Electrical coupling in whole cell recorded SubCoeruleus neurons. Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS). Sleep 30: A10-A11 Suppl. S. Meeting Abstract: 30 Minneapolis, June 2007.
Hayar A, Heister D, Garcia-Rill E. Carbachol induces synchronization of IPSCs at theta frequency in whole-cell recorded SubCoeruleus neurons. Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS). Sleep 30: A12-A12 35 Suppl. S Minneapolis, June 2007.
Karpuk N, Hayar A. Activation of postsynaptic GABAB receptors directly modulates the bursting pattern and synaptic activity of olfactory bulb juxtaglomerular neurons. (37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, November 2007).
Hayar A. Spontaneous population activity revealed by calcium- and voltage-sensitive dyes in the neuropil of olfactory bulb glomeruli in vitro. (37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, November 2007).
Al-Chaer ED, Gu C, Hayar A. An improved method for patch clamp recording of neurons in the intact dorsal root ganglion (DRG). (37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, November 2007).
Dong HW, Hayar A, Ennis M. Activation of Group I mGluRs enhances rhythmic bursting and nonselective cation currents in olfactory bulb external tufted cells. (37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, November 2007).
Nai Q, Dong HW, Hayar A, Linster C, Ennis M. Activation of a1 and a2 noradrenergic receptors differentially regulate GABAergic inhibition of mitral cells in the main olfactory bulb. (37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, November 2007).
Heister D, Hayar A, Garcia-Rill E. Differentiating SubCoeruleus neurons by responses to carbachol and developmental changes in resistance. (37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, November 2007).
Ye M, Hayar A, Garcia-Rill E. Electrical Coupling in Pedunculopontine (PPN) Nucleus Neurons. (37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, November 2007).
Burkovetskaya M, Hayar A, Karpuk N, Kielian T. Characterization of Astrocyte Activation in Acute Brain Slices from Mice Harboring Brain Abscesses. (American Society for Neurochemistry (ASN) annual meeting, San Antonio, March 2008). J Neurochemistry Volume: 104 Pages: 54-55 Supplement: Suppl.1 Published: MAR 2008.
Heister D, Hayar A, Garcia-Rill E. Cholinergic modulation of fast excitatory and inhibitory input to the dorsal subcoeruleus. Sleep Volume: 31 Pages: A10-A10 Supplement: Suppl. S Meeting Abstract: 31 Published: 2008
Nai Q, Dong HW, Hayar A, Linster C, Ennis M. Noradrenergic modulation of GABAergic inhibition of main olfactory bulb mitral cells. Chemical Senses Volume: 33 Issue: 8 Pages: S134-S135 Published: OCT 2008
Hayar A, Center-surround interactions among neighboring olfactory bulb glomeruli revealed by optical imaging of the spatiotemporal propagation of spontaneous population activity. (38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, November 2008).
Pierce DR, Hayar A, Wiley CA, Light KE. Rat Purkinje cells that survive postnatal ethanol exposure are altered morphologically and physiologically. (32nd Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, June 2009). Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research, Volume: 33 Issue: 6 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. S1 Pages: 168A-168A.
Hayar AM, Light KE, Pierce DR. Coincident inhibitory inputs induce synchronized pauses in the firing of Purkinje cells (39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, October 2009, Abstract). Program # 622.3, Poster # F4.
Ye M, Hayar A, Strotman B, Garcia-Rill E. Cholinergic modulation of fast synaptic transmission of pedunculopontine thalamic projecting neurons (39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, October 2009, Abstract). Program # 375.16, Poster # FF16.
Jeradeh-Boursoulian F, Hayar A. Ethanol Reduces Olfactory Bulb Output by Reducing Excitatory Drive to Mitral/Tufted Cells (32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, St Petersburg, Florida, April 2010).
Yadlapalli K, Hayar AM, Al-Chaer ED. Differential Effects of ATP on the Electrophysiological Properties of Postsynaptic Dorsal Horn Neurons in the Rat. (40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, November 2010, Abstract).
Myal S, Hayar AM, Buchanan R, Garcia-Rill E. Effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on nicotine-induced suppression of P13 auditory evoked potential (41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, November 2011). Program # 397.01, Poster # WW59
Simon C, Hayar A, Garcia-Rill E. Responses of developing pedunculopontine neurons to glutamate receptor agonists. (41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, November 2011). Program # 397.04, Poster # WW62.
Watts JL, Yadlapalli K, Hayar AM, Al-Chaer ED. Minocycline alters neuronal plasticity in rats with colon inflammation. (41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, November 2011). Program # 494.03, Poster # SS7.
Pierce DR, Hayar A, Light KE. Increased HCN1 expression at Basket cell innervation of rat Purkinje cells surviving postnatal ethanol exposure. (34th Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, June 25-29, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia). Abstract # 0127, published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Vol. 35, Issue Supplement s1, page 42A.
Pierce DR, Lin XB, Light KE, Hayar AM. Rhythmic licking behavior is altered in adult rats that received postnatal ethanol exposure. (35th Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, June 23-27, 2012, San Francisco, California).
Hayar AM, Hamilton KA. External plexiform layer interneurons integrate synaptic inputs that are correlated with the bursting activity of surrounding mitral/tufted cells. (42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, October 2012). Session # 339.
Lin XB, Pierce DR, Light KE, Hayar AM. The Fine Temporal Structure of the Rat Licking Pattern: What Causes the Variability in the Interlick Intervals and How is it Affected by the Drinking Solution? (35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Huntington Beach, California, April 2013).
Pierce DR, Hayar A, Light KE. Ethanol exposure to rat pups days 4-6
decreases Purkinje cell number but appears to increase axonal innervations
from Basket cells. (37th Annual Meeting of the Research Society
on Alcoholism, June 21-25, 2014, Bellevue,
Washington). Abstract # 1015, published in Alcoholism: Clinical and
Experimental Research. Vol. 38, Issue Supplement s1, page 254A.